Monday, March 25, 2013

SITE 2013: Trials and Triumphs of Blogging Internationally

Our conference presentation for the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education

Thursday, March 28th 10:15-11:15 AM

Paige Vitulli, University of South Alabama, United States
Peggy Delmas, University of South Alabama, United States
Susan Santoli, University of South Alabama, United States 

SITE Blogging Internationally from Paige Vitulli

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hip First Lady for China?

Interesting piece by the Atlantic on the wife of incoming Chinese president Xi Jinping. She's a professional singer - Peng Liyuan.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Chinese Buffet

My daughter's fortune cookie
says that her feet
will touch the soil of many lands

The China King buffet costs twice as much
on Sunday as it does during the week
Somewhere in Pakistan a man has made news
by burying an infant alive

It is less than two months since China
Already I have abandoned my chopsticks skills
for a fork to shovel the rice, stab the chicken

There is a multi-tiered chandelier hanging
over the smeared sneeze guards
on the buffet line, offering french fries,
fried chicken, crab rangoon, and sushi

A potbellied man passes me,
his gray braid swinging unappetizingly
close to the food trays

In the booth next to our table
a middle-aged couple clasp outstretched hands,
heads down, eyes closed, thanking God
for this Chinese buffet

- Peggy

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

NAEA 2013: Connecting Communities with Chopsticks...

I am leaving Mobile, AL today and headed to Fort Worth, Texas to the National Art Education Association 2013 Annual Conference, my FAVORITE professional conference of the year!

Stay tuned for the posting of multiple slideshows sharing the experiences Dr. MaryJo Cochran, Dean at Troy University, and I have had related to exploring and sharing Chinese culture and the arts.

Thursday, March 7, 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Connecting Communities with Chopsticks : Celebrating Chinese Culture through the Arts with Teachers and Students

Paige Vitulli and Maryjo Cochran 

Infuse your teaching with increased cultural awareness and subsequent appreciation for Asian fine and performing arts through hands-on projects for students.
Best Practice Lecture
Meeting Room 204B/Center/2nd Floor
"The four-day convention includes over 1,000 participatory workshops, panels, seminars for job-alike groups . . . research reports, discussions, exhibits, and tours . . . keynote addresses by world-acclaimed educators, artists, researchers, and scholars . . . with the opportunity to connect with your colleagues from all over the  world. Each year some 140-200 exhibitor booths displaying the latest art  textbooks, high-tech software, prints, slides, curriculum materials, equipment, and programs, as well as the latest studio and art history media are made available for examination and review to art educator delegates.

It is a professional development opportunity to update yourself on the vista of state-of-the-art materials to advance visual art instruction in your program. All NAEA sessions and events are 100% content-oriented and substantively based. There are no NAEA non-content  functions such as golf, sightseeing, shopping tours and the like. Sessions are scheduled from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm every day."

In response to the fabulous feedback and questions from our session today, I am adding the following images of supplies we used. They were ordered through NASCO. I was in a very convenient place (the NAEA Nasco booth) to acquire quick answers.

Thank you to all who attended and shared in the conversation.
Paper Lantern Supplies...just add glue, water and brushes.

More highlights of my NAEA day at 

Asian studies week challenges Chinese art stereotypes

The USA Vanguard reports on a fascinating talk: "In her efforts to change Western misconceptions about Chinese art, and Chinese culture in general,  Dr. Katharine P. Burnett visited USA on February 26 to deliver a talk entitled “Speculations on Why Originality Can’t Be a Traditional Chinese Value (When It Is).” Her lecture was a part of the ongoing events at USA to celebrate Asian Studies Week."


"Dr. Burnett, who is a professor of Chinese Art History at the University of California, Davis, delivered an enlightening speech. Her focus is primarily upon art criticism and theory during the seventeenth century, an era in time when China reinvented itself dynamically on many levels, but one cannot fairly critique Chinese art from any period without first understanding how Western views affect our understanding of the culture."